Ways to educate yourself without attending university

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Ways to educate yourself without attending university

  1. Stay up to date

One of the best ways to educate yourself is to keep abreast of current news, events, and issues around the world. Read the news and find out what’s going on in the world. You don’t have to buy a newspaper (which can be quite expensive). Lots of news and information is now available online. Sign up for mailing lists from news outlets, and they’ll send you their headlines in an automated email every day.
Set aside at least 30 minutes a day to browse the news. You can also watch videos, join discussions and share interesting articles with friends and family on social media. Our favorite way to keep up with the news is to read Taleem24.com every morning. Ways to educate yourself without attending university

  1. Sign up for online courses

Thanks to the many wonders of the World Wide Web, the classroom is no longer the only place where you can learn things. If you want to teach yourself a subject, or a skill, or a subject, find out and sign up for an online course. For example, this English-speaking course is taught 100% online, you don’t even have to leave your computer! You can teach yourself a lot online these days, or at least the basics.
The best places to find affordable (or free) online classes are taleem24.com, Khan Academy, and Taleem24.com. Make sure you also check out CCG Job Search and Entrepreneurship Courses.

  1. Don’t reject the arts

Valuable lessons are not just learned from subjects like math and science. The fine arts are also a gold mine of valuable lessons. Best of all, there are many arts that you can do or teach yourself. You can even get a free local class or free work environment where you can meet like-minded people while being artistic! Not only will you learn new skills, but you will also learn new things about yourself by being creative.

  1. Find a mentor

Whatever industry or profession you want to work in, there is someone else who has done it before you. Others have years of knowledge and experience above you, and they don’t have to have it all! Finding a mentor who is happy to teach you what they know can be a life-changing experience for you and, at times, more valuable than any other degree.

  1. Attend courses through your current employer

If you have money, ask your manager or human resources if they have courses or tuition fees available to attend classes. Is there a course you would like to attend that your employer would be happy to pay for? It never hurts to ask!
Just be prepared to make a case as to why the course will help the company benefit and the new skills that you will be able to return to your job after completing it.
Hopefully, you will find that self-education is often more important than formal education. No matter, always educate yourself because you are your most valuable investment.

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