How to Improve Your Study Habits?

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For first-time college students, balancing this can be a challenge. That’s why Florida National University (FNU) wants to help all its students learn how to improve their study habits through these 9 helpful techniques.

When it comes to developing good reading habits, there is a way out of all madness. The kind of study habits you get to practice in high school may not work so well in college. However, you can definitely base your reading habits on these methods for more discipline – because you will need it! In college, you will have more responsibility, but you will also have more freedom.

Find a good place to study.

You may have a campus fever and you may decide to move out of your university to do some work. Many students find small coffee shops with Wi-Fi that allow them to sit there all day for the customer who buys them. Outdoor parks and amusement parks, even public libraries can be a big change of scenery.

Even the light of study is important. If you want to preserve your eyesight and maximize your time and energy, choose light that does not cause eye strain or fatigue so that you can keep your study session effective at any time of the day. Can ۔

Set rules when you are in your study zone. Let the people living with you know that when your door is closed it means you don’t want to be upset. Try not to answer phone calls or texts, it will distract you and you will lose your focus.

Let’s not forget our home. No matter the size of your apartment or house, we recommend dedicating a small amount of office space to reading – away from any distractions.

This is important. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. The library has always been a reliable place to do real academic work, but if you prefer another place, just make sure you are ready for success. There may be more places on campus at your university that will give you a smaller place to study. Although the cafeteria can be quite busy, some of the university campus cafeterias are quiet enough for students to read while they eat.

Avoid from social media.

Disruption also includes avoiding your phone. The best thing you can do is either keep your phone silent, turn off the alerts and turn them on so you can’t see them, or just turn things off! If this helps, keep the phone out of sight so you don’t feel tempted to check your messages.
The world can wait. Your education is a priority and everyone in your circle of friends should understand it. If you are determined to turn off your phone in an emergency, allow yourself some study break so you can set aside a specific time to check your alerts and messages.

Speaking of distractions, nothing can waste your time like 20-30 minutes of good social media! Emails used to be a necessary evil to keep life going, but now people are communicating through social media platforms instead of talking on email or phone! As a result, it is very common to open browser tabs only for social media. The problem with this is alerts! As much as you can try to ignore it, you will not be satisfied unless you follow the alert – a warning that will require the most response! In all likelihood, this will be a conversation that could have lasted an hour – and now you have added another 20-30 minutes to your study time! Congratulations!

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