Graduate Visa Route Open for International Students

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Eligibility to apply for a graduate visa

The postgraduate visa route will allow graduate students to start their post-study career in the UK. As of 1 July 2021, all international graduate students who have completed a qualifying course from a UK university can start a post-study career in the UK.

Even UK employers who do not have a sponsor’s license can also hire graduate students to work for them without sponsoring them or assigning them a Certificate of Sponsorship.

The only necessary prerequisite for obtaining a postgraduate visa is that the student must be present in the UK while applying and must have a valid student visa.

The postgraduate visa route applies to those international students who have successfully completed their bachelor’s, postgraduate or other eligible course for a minimum period set with their student visa from a recognized UK university.

You live in the UK.
You have a valid visa as a student visa.

What should your educational level be at the time of application?

You must have completed their course
The education provider must be a “licensed student sponsor” with a “history of compliance”
The sponsor must have informed the government if the applicant has successfully completed the course and received the certificate of completion.

How long can you stay in the UK on a postgraduate visa?

You can start working in the UK for at least two years if you have a postgraduate or master’s degree. Also, if you are a doctoral student, you can stay and work for up to 3 years.

What should be the completion status of your course at the time of application?

You must meet the following requirements as a prerequisite to the completion of the course in order to apply,

You must have completed the course on your student visa.
Your circumstances during the application process also depend on the type, of course, that you have pursued, your education provider, and how long you studied.
It would be helpful if you had any of the following educational qualifications.
a bachelor’s degree in the UK
a master’s degree in the UK
a PhD or PhD from the UK

What are the possibilities of extension or liquidation of the visa?

The postgraduate visa route is an unsponsored route. You will not be able to extend your visa beyond 2 or 3 years. However, you will be able to change your visa category before your graduate visa expires.

You will be able to switch to a skilled worker visa or a global talent visa category and even an investor visa category.

If students are unable to travel due to the coronavirus

International students need not worry if they are unable to travel due to the coronavirus pandemic.

UK Visa Immigration (or Home Office) has also released a ‘coronavirus grant’ for those who have already signed up or will be signing up themselves in Spring 2021 through Autumn 2021 and Spring 2022 .

If students had started their courses in 2020, they can now enter the UK on or before September 27, 2021.

Students who have started their courses in Fall 2020 or Spring 2021 can also enter the UK from 27 September 2021 before their current visa expires. However, if students start their course in Autumn 2021, they must be present in the UK by 6 April 2022.

How can I apply for a graduate visa?

You can apply online and submit the required documents within the stipulated time.

When applying for a postgraduate visa, you will be required to pay the £ 700 application fee and additionally the £ 624 health care surcharge for each year.

It is recommended that you obtain the assistance of a legal expert. A Y & J Solicitors are the best immigration lawyers in London, providing personalized legal advice.

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