Essential Skills for College / University Students

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Well-developed self-care skills.
Exercise, rest, and good hygiene are also important aspects of self-care. Plan bedtime based on physical need and health. Proper sleep and a healthy diet can improve mood, athletic and classroom performance, and stress management strategies.

Protect and avoid risky behaviors.
It means making smart and low-risk choices and planning for “what happened” in life. Being safe means learning to advocate for your own well-being.

When help is needed.
College years are a new way to learn new things, to learn new life skills, and to connect with our world. Asking for help when you need it is a sign of strength and integrity, not a sign of failure. A big part of advocating for yourself is knowing when to ask for help.

Respect for laws and policies
Every community has rules and policies and our college campus is no different. Our laws and policies apply to safety and the development of a positive community where all students respect themselves, others, and the environment.

Demonstrate honesty, solidarity, and perseverance
Learning to incorporate personal values ​​and ethics into every aspect of life is an important part of personal development during the college experience. Part of the path to integrity is learning how to get stuck there and being committed to goals even when situations are difficult.

It’s all about you

The biggest adjustment for new college students is a new freedom. The increase in personal responsibility and external structure of college students is minimal. There is no set study time, no set meal time, no time to sleep or wake up, increase their academic workload, increased need for more work and balance, and new social opportunities. And challenges. The following are the skills that will help you build your inner structure and succeed in college.

Time management

Being a college student is like having a full-time job. Many hours of study and preparation are expected for each class. Create a weekly schedule that includes class time, study, activities, work, food, study, and time with friends.

Stress management

Finding ways to increase coping resources will help students reduce the stress that life will throw in their way. Regular exercise, proper rest, good nutrition, prayer, and/or meditation are all recommended ways to engage in self-care that reduces stress.

Study skills
Knowing how to read a textbook, taking notes in class, using the library, and taking multiple-choice tests are all areas that will help you be more successful in the classroom. Even some of the best high school students did not always develop good reading skills.

Money management
Gain experience in handling money independently, balancing checkbooks, using ATMs, reading bank statements, and making responsible decisions about living on a budget.

Support skills.
Persistence skills are helpful in roommate communication, study groups, teams, and conflict resolution. These include learning and adhering to healthy boundaries. Talk about yourself in a strong way that does not allow others to take advantage of you aggressively or passively.


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