1st Year Physics Guess Papers 2023

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11th Class Physics Guess Paper 2023 Punjab Board

Now, 11th class students need not worry because we are providing 11th class physics guest papers here. These Physics Guest Papers 2023 Class 11 have been carefully prepared based on the experience of 11th-grade students. Our highly experienced and capable staff work hard to provide you with the best for your studies. These first-year physics speculation papers are provided to you free of charge. Physics is an interesting and difficult subject. This is the branch of science in which we study matter and energy and their interactions. Physics is the most important science subject in the eleventh grade. Many students find this difficult and are concerned about the board exam. 1st Year Physics Guess Papers 2023

Punjab Board 11th Class Physics Guess Paper 2023

Physics is a difficult and technical subject so these speculation papers are of utmost importance. To get good marks in Physics, make sure you download these helpful guest papers. Download 11th class physics guest paper in pdf. Students can save these useful notes in PDF. First-year students can download these guest papers for free. We are providing you physics guest papers for all the boards of Punjab here. 1st Year Physics Guess Papers 2023

11th Class Physics subject is very interesting and most of the students love it as it is a mixture of mathematics and science but most of the students do not like it as they hate mathematics or science in case they want some 11th Class Physics Guess Papers 2023 to pass the examination. Many students do not study whole year and on examination days they look worried about the paper as they do not anything about the exams so they search on the internet for 1st Year Physics Guess Papers 2023 to get some help

Physics 11th Class Guess Paper 2023

All students can check and download 11th class Physics Guest Paper 2023 from our website. First-year students should practice these important guest papers before taking the board exam. Here, you can also find past papers for all classes. Gus papers for other articles are also provided on our website. These physics speculation papers are very helpful and are made especially for 11th-grade science students. For the convenience of 11th class students, these important guess papers are given in both English Medium and Urdu Medium. These physics guest papers are available here so that students can get good marks in the 11th Physics Board Exam. 1st Year Physics Guess Papers 2023

Here we have published the 1st Year Physics Guess Paper 2023 Important Long Questions in case you are looking for the fsc 11th class physics guess paper.

Guess Paper 2023 Punjab Board 11th Class Physics

If you are an 11th grader, you can also get 12th-grade notes from this page. Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Eleventh-grade students who are preparing for the exam or looking for their 11th-grade physics assessment paper according to their series to increase the chances of getting good marks in the exam. Physics is a very important subject and all the students are very interested in this subject. On this page, we are going to share with you the complete guest paper of Inter Part 1 Physics, and students of all boards benefit from these guest papers. These speculation papers are valid for all boards of Pakistan. You can get all the articles and all the book evaluation papers online for free from our site taleem24.com. 1st Year Physics Guess Papers 2023

Inter Part 1 Physics Guess Paper 2023

Every year thousands of students take the annual exams of different boards and pass their annual exams with good marks. With the help of assessment papers, students can get better marks and then progress to the next class. Physics guest papers are very important and students have a complete idea about the annual exam from the guess papers. You can get an overview of each BISE board article from this page.

11th Class Physics subject is very interesting and most of the students love it as it is a mixture of mathematics and science but most of the students do not like it as they hate mathematics or science in case they want some 11th Class Physics Guess Papers 2023 to pass the examination.

Physics Guess Paper 2023

UNIT# 01                                 SHORT QUESTIONS
Differentiate among precision and accuracy.
What do you know about the dimension analysis?
Write down the dimensions of velocity, acceleration and force?
What are the dimensions of (i) Pressure (ii) Density
Does the dimensional analysis gives any information on constant of proportionality that
may appear in an algebraic expression. Explain?
Show that the famous “Einstein’s Equation” E=mc² is dimensionally consistent.
What are the dimensions and units of gravitational constant G in the formula F=Gm₁m₂/r²
Unit# 2                                   SHORT QUESTIONS
Is it possible to add a vector quantity to a scalar quantity?
Can you add zero to a null vector?
Suppose the sides of a closed polygon represent vector arranged head to tail. What is the sum of these vectors?
How would the two vectors of same magnitude have to be oriented, if they were to be combined to give a resultant equal to a vector of same magnitude?
Show that the sum and the difference of two perpendicular vectors of equal lengths are
     also perpendicular and of same length
If all the components of the vectors A₁ and A₂ were reversed, how would this alter A₁XA₂.
Define the terms, Unit Vector, Resultant Vector, Null Vector, Equal Vectors, Position Vector, Components of a Vector.
Define Torque and write its formula.
                                          LONG QUESTIONS
Describe vector addition by Rectangular Components.
Define Scalar or Dot Product. Describe its characteristics.
Define Vector or Cross Product. Describe its characteristics.
Unit#3                                SHORT QUESTIONS
Define the term impulse.
Differentiate among the elastic and inelastic collision.
Describe the rocket propulsionas a special case of law of conservation of momentum
What do you know about projectile motion?
Describe the motion of a ballistic missile as an applications of projectile motion.
Define the term linear momentum?
Show that impulse of a force is equal to the change in linear momentum.
Explain the difference between elastic and inelastic collision. Explain how would a bouncing ball behave in each case? Give the plausible reason for the fact that K.E is conserved in most cases?
Find out the expression of force on a wall due to water flow.
10)At what point or points in its path does a projectile have its minimum speed, its maximum speed?
Example:    3.2
                                          LONG QUESTIONS
Numericals:  3.3,  3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.13, 3.14
Unit#4                                SHORT QUESTIONS
Show that 1 kWh = 3.6 MJ
State and explain the law of conservation of energy.
Exercise Short Questions: 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 4.7, 4.9
1-Show that the work done in earth’s gravitational field is independent of path followed.
2-Define the term power. Show that power is the dot product of force and velocity.

3-State the work energy principle. Also derive its mathematical form.

4-Describe the inter-conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy for a free falling object.
Unit#5                                SHORT QUESTIONS
Define the term angular displacement.
Define Angular Acceleration.
Derive the relationship between the angular velocity and linear velocity.
What do you know about the rotational kinetic energy
Distinguish among the real and apparent weight.
Exercise Short Questions:  5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.7, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11
Numericals:  5.2, 5.5.5, 5.6, 5.7
Unit#6                               SHORT QUESTIONS
State the Stoke‟s law.
Write a note on terminal velocity of the object when it moves through an fluid.
Exercise Short Questions:  6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10
                                         LONG QUESTIONS 
Derive the equation of continuity.
State Bernoulli‟s relation for a liquid in motion and describe someof its applications?
Unit#7                            SHORT QUESTIONS
Name the two characteristics of simple harmonic motion?
What do know about the term phase?
Define the term resonance.
Describe some common phenomenon in which resonance plays an important role.
Differentiate among free and forced oscillations.
Exercise Short Questions:  7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.11, 7.12, 7.13
Numericals: 7.1, 7.4, 7.5
 Example: 7.2                                                                       
Unit#8                            SHORT QUESTIONS
What do you know about periodic waves.
Describe the different properties of transverse periodic waves.
Difference in crest & trough.
Exercise Short Questions:  8.3, 8.6, 8.7, 8.10
What do you know about the Beats phenomenon? Also describe its applications.
What are the stationary waves? Describe the main characteristics of stationary waves.
How the stationary waves are produced in stretched string? Show that the frequencies of stationary waves in stretched string are quantized.
Numericals: 8.3, 8.6
Unit#9                           SHORT QUESTIONS
Define and explain the term wavefront.
Describe different kinds of wavefronts.
State and explain Huygen’s Principle.
What do you know about interference of light waves?
What are coherent sources?
What do you know about Newton Rings?
How the Newton Rings are formed?

What do you know about the Diffraction of Light?

Also describe some examples of diffraction of light.
What do you know about diffraction grating?
Define the term Grating Element.
Exercise Short Questions:  9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.7, 9.9
Numericals: 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7
Unit#10                          SHORT QUESTIONS
What do you know about the Least Distance of Distinct Vision?
Define the term critical angle.
What do you know about the refractive index of a material?
State the Snell’s Law.
What is Total Internal Reflection?
Exercise Short Questions: 
 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.6
Numericals: 10.3, 10.8, 10.9
Derive the formula for Angular Magnification of Simple Microscope.
Derive the formula for the Angular Magnification of Compound Microscope.
What do you know about astronomical telescope? Describe the construction and working of astronomical telescope with help of ray diagram.
Derive the expression of Magnifying Power of astronomical telescope.
What do you know about spectrometer? Also describe some applications of spectrometer.
Describe the Michelson’s experiment to determination of speed of light.
Describe some advantages of Fibre Optics.
Unit#11                         SHORT QUESTIONS
What are the basic postulates of kinetic theory of gases?
Define the term Internal Energy.
State first law of thermodynamics.
What do you know about an Adiabatic Process?
What is molar specific heat of gases?
Differentiate among reversible and irreversible process.
State second law of thermodynamics.
What do you know about Carnot Engine?
State the Carnot theorem.
Exercise Short Questions:  11.1, 11.2, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 11.8, 11.11
Numericals: 11.1, 11.3, 11.4, 11.7, 11.8, 11.11
Unit# 1+2+4+6+7 (Short Questions)
Unit#4+5+8           (Short Questions)
Unit#9+10+11       (Short Questions)
Unit# 2+3      (L.Q)
Unit# 4+5      (L.Q)
Unit# 6+7      (L.Q)
Unit# 8+9      (L.Q)
Unit# 10+11 (L.Q)
Note: Dear students you are bound to prepare MCQs from exercises of all chapters     according to ALP.
11th Class / 1st year Physics Guess Paper 2021Download View

Physics Guess Paper 2019- 2023 1st Year Punjab Board

Physics Guess Paper 2023 All Punjab Board

1- What is electric Field Intensity ?
2- Define Gauss Law and its Application ?
3- Show VM -1 = Nc -1
4- Define Electron Volt ?
5- What is Electric & Gravitational Force ( Similarties & Dissimilarties )
6- Diff. Between Capacitor and Capacitance and its units ?
7- What is Dielectrics ?
8- The Potentional is Constant through a given region of space the electric field is zero or non zero in this region ? Explain
9- Electric lines of Forces never across why ?
10- Do electron tend to go to region of high poential or of low potential ?
11- Define Electric Current and its units ?
12- What is Electroplating and Voltameter ?
13- What is Resistance and its units ?
14- What is Conductance and Conductivity ?
15- Do Bends in a wire affect its electrical Resistance ? explain
16- Why does the resistance of a conductor rise with temperture ?
17 What is Wheat stone Bridge ? How can it be used to determine an unknown resistance ?
18- What is Magnetic induction and its units ?
19- Uses of CRO ?
20 – Why is B Non Zero outside a solenoids ?
21- Wht does the picture on a TV Screen Become distorted when a magnetic brought near the screen ?
22- What should be the orientation of current carrying coil magnetic field so that torque acting upon the coil is
a) Maximum b) Minimum
23- Why the voltameter should have a very high resistance ?
24- Can a DC Motor be turned into a DC Generator ? What can change are required to be done ?
25- Define Alternating Current ?
26- What is Phase Lag and Phase Lead ?
27- What is Inductor and Impedance ?
28- Write Properties of series Reasonance ?
29- Write Types of Modulation ?
30- A Sinusoidal current has rms ( effective ) value of 10 A ?

Long Question Punjab Students Papers Guess Paper

1- What is Electric Intensity due to an Infinite Sheet of Charge?

2- Explain Kirchhoff’s 1st and 2nd Rules?

3- What is Wheatstone Bridge?

4- Explain force on a Current carrying conductor in a uniform magnetic field?

5- Explain the Alternating Current Generator?

6- Transformer and its types?

If you are a student of inter part 1 and studying the physics subject then you should be looking for the critical questions and numerical of 11th class physics. Here we have shared the 1st year Physics Important Questions & Guess paper 202 11th class.

1st Year Physics Guess Papers 2023 – 2024

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1st Year Physics Guess Paper 2023 is provided to students of 11th. This Guess paper will help the students to get good scores in Punjab Board Papers. These guess papers are available to the students in accurate form and prepared especially for our hardworking students

1st Year Physics Guess Papers 2023

Are You Looking For 11th Class Physics Guess Paper 2023, you are at the right place here we are going to share the Class 11th Physics Guess Paper with You.

We know most of the students are now looking forward to 11th Class Physics Guess papers as we know the 11th Class Physics exam 2023 is just about to be conducted soon.

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11th Class Physics Guess Papers 2023 For All Boards
Physics Guess Paper 11th Class 2023

Physics Guess Paper 2023 All Board

All the students of F.Sc, ICOM, and ICS can download All Chapters Important Long questions & 11th Class Physics Important Short Questions 2023 and can prepare for their examinations. All BISE Educational board students ie Bise Faisalabad, FBISE, Multan, Rawalpindi, Sahiwal, and Gujranwala can download free pdf physics guess papers 11th class 2023. With these Chapter wise 1st Year, Physics Guess Papers 2023 students can get an idea about examinations and can get good marks

11th Class Physics subject is very interesting and most of the students love it as it is a mixture of mathematics and science but most of the students do not like it as they hate mathematics or science in case they want some 11th Class Physics Guess Papers 2023 to pass the examination. Many students do not study the whole year and on examination days they look worried about the paper as they do not anything about the exams so they search on the internet for 1st Year Physics Guess Papers 2023 to get some help.

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